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Famous Colored Diamonds: The Sancy Diamond

It feels like it’s been ages since we last covered a historic diamond, so let’s get back to it with a bang. This time we will be looking at the famous Sancy Diamond. The history of this precious Pale Yellow stone dates back to about 1570, and its ...

Arpege Diamonds Presents Famous Yellow Diamonds: The Tiffany Yellow

As you already know, Arpege Diamonds is on a constant journey to discover and present to you the world’s most enchanting famous diamonds. This time we are here to talk about a truly beautiful yellow diamond, recognized worldwide for its superior ...

Answering Frequently Asked Questions about Yellow Diamonds

Colored diamonds make up an extremely tiny fraction of all the diamonds ever mined. Approximately, 1 out of 10,000 carats mined is colored. Values for colored diamonds can run into the millions, whether they are loose or mounted in jewelry. Of these ...

Famous Yellow Diamond: The Cora Sun-Drop

by Tony Cathaway | August 2, 2017 | Yellow Diamonds
We are pleased to see that more and more diamond enthusiasts are recognizing the true potential and beauty of Fancy Yellow diamonds. With an increasing number of such stones making an appearance and captivating the attention of investors in recent ...

The Arpège Tribute to the Brilliant Yellow Diamonds Pt.2

by Tony Cathaway | June 6, 2017 | Yellow Diamonds
The second part of our Tribute to the Brilliant Yellow Diamonds is dedicated to the history and characteristics of our favorite yellow diamonds. In no particular order, here are 6 breathtaking yellow diamonds that left their mark in history.  If you ...

Three Record Breaking Yellow Diamonds

by Tony Cathaway | December 20, 2016 | History, Yellow Diamonds
Yellow diamonds are among the more frequently discovered hues of colored diamonds. Don’t mistake this to mean that their discovery is a common occurrence, as even the most common colored diamonds are still a rarity. In this article, we will discuss ...

The Most Famous Yellow Diamonds in the World

by Tony Cathaway | June 6, 2016 | History, Yellow Diamonds
Diamonds are made up of complex carbon molecules deep within the Earth. They are formed when squeezed with over 725,000 pounds per square inch of pressure and temperatures of over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Diamonds come in all shapes, sizes, and ...