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Inside the Mine: How Long is a Diamond Mine in Production?

by Tony Cathaway | December 29, 2015 | Things to Know
Mining diamonds is a complicated and sometimes decades long process from the beginning step of finding a viable site to the final step of closing up and proceeding to reclamation where the land is restored as close as possible to its previous state. ...

Colored Diamonds: The Latest Trend in Engagement Rings

by Tony Cathaway | December 24, 2015 | Things to Know
The times they are a-changing, and you’ll find that tastes are, too. Once upon a time, the clear diamond engagement ring was as de rigueur as a white dress. While most stick with the tried and true, women are becoming more adventurous in their ...

Pink Diamonds and The 2015 Argyle Tender

by Tony Cathaway | December 22, 2015 | The Annual Tender
The Argyle Pink Diamonds tender for 2015 has passed, and the offerings are starting to be posted online by some of the purchasers. The tender for 2015 was 65 stones, and came in at an average weight of 1.47 carats per stone or a total of 44.14. The ...

Is the Safe Haven for Your Alternative Investment Portfolio "Color?"

by Tony Cathaway | December 17, 2015 | Alternative Investments
As stock markets swoop and dip and mainstream financial firms are hit by bad publicity over shady practices, alternative investments can seem like a safe haven for those seeking stability and security.   Alternative Investments Alternative financial ...

The Argyle Tender - The Top Event of the Diamond World!

by Tony Cathaway | December 9, 2015 | The Annual Tender
June 26 saw a preview of Rio Tinto’s annual event, the Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender for 2015 at the Sydney Opera House, introduced along with a short clip of choreography by the Australian Ballet’s artistic director David McAllister. 2015's tender ...

Medical Imaging and Pink Diamonds

by Tony Cathaway | December 3, 2015 | Non Investment Information
While diamond collectors and investors go gaga for pink diamonds, they’ve also captivated scientists and researchers with their vast potential. In particular, researchers are looking into how these rare diamonds can improve medical imaging devices, ...